What the resistance against the trustees shows

What the resistance against the trustees shows

First of all, the colonialist fascist regime’s policy of governing with trustees cannot be broken without taking the current struggle to the next level. In Kurdistan the fascist trustee regime cannot be neutralized unless the resistance against the trusteeship progresses towards a national general strike, towards a national mass resistance. The fascist junta regime, in…

The Call of Our Immortals Reflected in the Mirror of the 30th Year

The Call of Our Immortals Reflected in the Mirror of the 30th Year

Our Immortals; instruct the Marxist Leninist (ML) communists, who shoulder and advancethe cause and struggle for revolution and socialism, to develop a multifaceted and effectivefight against the current daily liquidation. They advise understanding the needs of the partyand the revolution and responding in the most qualified way. Our Immortals; test our loyaltyto the revolution and…

From Handshake to trustee coup

From Handshake to trustee coup

We know from history, theory and valuable experiences that the colonialists’ reaching out for a handshake can turn into a slap at any moment. This is what we are experiencing now. The hand extended for a handshake is now landing as a trustee slap on the will of the Kurdish people by the colonialist fascist…

To grow the social revolt against the system that murdered Narîn

To grow the social revolt against the system that murdered Narîn

The accumulated social anger against Narîn’s murder urgently calls on political subjects to prepare for major social political struggles and actions from a vanguard position. Our working left movement and socialists must pay close attention to the problems and complaints of various social sectors and grasp the deep anger of the masses and their inclination…

From Red Kurdistan to Rojava: Turkish colonialism’s biggest fear

From Red Kurdistan to Rojava: Turkish colonialism’s biggest fear

The series of occupational and annexational wars, which are part of a regional expansionist strategy, has two main targets: the Medya Defense Area, the liberated zones that have become pillars of the revolutionary Kurdish freedom movement, and Rojava. The war targeting the Medya Defense Areas in South Kurdistan aims to liquidate the most advanced revolutionary…

On two aspects of the mass movement

On two aspects of the mass movement

In order to develop the mass movement in a revolutionary way, the labor left movement should further strengthen formation of a revolutionary mass movement and action. It must do this in opposition to the bourgeois and fascist parties’ practice of creating and organizing  mass movements. Today, the only way to achieve this in Turkey and…